RAMP Agreements vs. SpearMart’s Contract Module

FSU has two systems used to review, approve and execute contracts - the Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP) Agreements Module and the SpearMart Contract Module.

So how do you know which system to use when? First, let’s define what an agreement or contract is. Any document that creates an obligation for FSU with an outside party and must be signed by either party is an agreement or contract.  All contracts must be entered in either RAMP Agreements or the SpearMart Contract Module.

RAMP Agreements is used when the purpose of the contract is to conduct or govern sponsored activities managed by SRA or the FSURF. Contracts for non-sponsored activities are entered in the SpearMart Contract Module.  All procurement related contracts are submitted in SpearMart, regardless if they are for a sponsored project.

Not sure what system to use for your agreement? Visit the RAMP website for a list of agreement types and descriptions to identify which system to use. Additional information regarding the SpearMart Contract Module can also be found here.

If you need assistance with the RAMP Agreements Module, contact the Agreements Help Desk at RAMP-Agreements@fsu.edu.

If you need assistance with the SpearMart Contracts Module, contact the Contract Administration team at Contracts@fsu.edu.

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