Need to complete your continuing education requirement for eSpear?

Large white circle with smaller beige circle with words In the Spotlight. The Connector

The deadline for completing this year’s eSpear continuing education (CE) requirement is quickly approaching! As a reminder, to maintain an eSPEAR Certification individuals will need to attend an update session AND earn a minimum of 10 points each calendar year beginning with the year following the receipt of their certification.

For those needing additional CE credits, we’re happy to announce that the Office of Research has just launched three (3) online courses which are worth three (3) points each. These courses are part of the Advanced eSPEAR catalog, can be taken online, and completed within approximately 30-45 minutes. These courses are:

  • Finding Funding - Participants will learn about the different resources available to assist FSU faculty with finding funding for their project. (Course Number ESP11W)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Provides detailed insight into NIH which will include types of grants issued, Public Health Service Financial Conflict of Interest, budgets, applications, eRA Commons and awards. (Course Number ESP20W)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) - This session will provide detailed insight into NSF which will include types of grants issued, Fastlane, proposal requirements, revised budgets, award term and conditions, etc. (Course Number ESP21W)

For more information and registration instructions, visit The Research Knowledge and Support Hub – Advanced eSpear page. Additionally, more information regarding eSPEAR continuing education can be found here.

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