Changes to Workflow Routing for ePRFs and SpearMart Requisitions on Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) is committed to evaluating business practices and processes and streamlining them where possible to improve efficiencies within research operations.  As a result, effective today, SRA has changed the approval thresholds on electronic payment request forms (ePRFs) and SpearMart requisitions from $1,000 to $5,000.  SRA will continue to review requisitions within SpearMart, regardless of the amount, when the budget or sponsored project restriction override boxes are checked.  Additionally, SRA will review all ePRFs related to employee advances before routing them to Accounts Payable.


SRA will continue to evaluate all charges on sponsored awards throughout the project period.  For expenses deemed unallowable, the department will be required to transfer the costs to a non-sponsored source of funds. 


It is important to note that these revisions to SRA workflow routing do not affect procurement thresholds established by Procurement Services.  Those thresholds will remain the same.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your assigned SRA Accounting Coordinator.

Issue Date