Celebrate the Accomplishments of FSU Researchers at the PEN & Inc Recognition Event

Join the FSU Libraries at an event to recognize and showcase the work of participants in the Project Enhancement Network and Incubator (PEN & Inc) program. Through this program, researchers have been able to take their projects to the next level through grant funding, support, and resources.

PEN & Inc is a yearly program with support from Florida State University Libraries. Participants receive a website through CreateFSU and are given hands-on support from library staff to develop and publish their research projects. Participants are also awarded $1,000 in monetary support for their research, in the form of funding for travel, training, or materials.

The PEN & Inc Recognition Event will take place on Thursday, April 6, 2023 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. in room 2005 of the William Johnston Building. All are welcome to attend to commemorate the work of the PEN & Inc program and this year’s researchers. You can also learn about how to apply for future opportunities with FSU Libraries. Refreshments will be provided.

You can read more about the PEN & Inc participants and their research projects at https://incubator.create.fsu.edu/blog/.

Registration is encouraged, but not required: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ilsC9ZgvPmYd4W. Please direct any questions about this event to lib-create@fsu.edu

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